aunt Sigrid ALTROGGE from Belle, who by handing over a farm history and old letters, prompted the passion
to investigate the family history.
all family members, especially my parents and my aunts Rosi ZIMMERMANN, Ilse DÜLLMANN and Lisa RÖWE,
- listened, remembered and answered my questions,
- rummaged around old paperwork and photographs,
- made certificates and photographs available,
- my cousin Andrea, for the thought and book exchange as well as encouraging pats on the back when
searches came to a halt.
Members of
- the "Pomeranian Griffin eV", Association of Family and local history research
- the "Cammin-Liste"
- the "Demmin-Genealogy-Liste
- the "Greifswald-Genealogy-Liste"
- the "Grimmen-Genealogy-Liste"
- the "Lippe-Forum"
- the "Naturwissenschaftlicher und historischer Verein für das Land Lippe e.V - "Der Genealogischen Abend"
(scientific and historic society for the country Lippe - "The Genealogic Evening")
- and the authors of local family registers,
for their support with many precious hints and for their selfless transfer of data and sources which they had
painstakingly collected.
I am grateful for many nice contacts.
friendly staff in
- registry offices
- church bureaus
- cemetery administrations
- archives
Mrs. Dr. Rita LÜDTKE, head of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fünfeichen"
Mr. Wolfgang SCHIMMEL, chronicler of Neukalen (Mecklenburg)
family studies/genealogy PENKE
especially Horst G., Willi K., Axel T., Olaf B. and Marie R..
This site could only emerge for I could trust on my husband and son's patient support in technical
and translation matters.
All this is not to be taken for granted!
If I forgot someone please pardon me.
Small solace: This site will be updated and improved regularly.
A mind once formed finds naught made right thereafter;
A growing mind will thank you evermore.